Running a successful business means making sure that when your customers and or potential customers are looking for what you sell, offer, do, whatever it might be, that they find you very early on in their search and the most important by far source of new customers and returning existing customers is through search engines which is still dominated by Google. Research has also borne out that as search engines have become how we find information, we as humans tend to remember names of businesses, people, phone numbers far less than we did 15, 20 years ago, because we’ve come to learn, trust that we can find the products and services we need when the time comes that we need them.
The risk of not being able to be found easily on the first page of Google is simply too great to not get it right. This, for most businesses, usually means a mix of paid search advertising, as well as Implementing a consistent SEO plant to improve your organic search rankings, with the goal of being listed on the first page, followed by getting as close to the top as possible.
The key to any Successful long term SEO strategy is producing regular, relevant and interesting content. The type, the mix of media used, style and volume of content will obviously depend on the size of your business, whether your business is very niche or if it has more of a broad appeal. But regardless of the unique nature of your business, knowing how to produce interesting content is one of the things we do particularly well. A big part of how we are able to do that is obviously we know how to write well, we know what works in terms of social media and video if you choose to do video, but just as, if not more important is building a process with you that is consistent in terms of producing the content and making sure it gets published on the schedule, on the planned schedule.
Keey an eye out for an upcoming series of articles going into a lot more detail about our process for making SEO work and some examples of different types of media that can be in the mix as well.